KMC is a contributing member of the Warwick District Foodbank, with a representative on its management and also has volunteers who work for it. A decision has recently been made to terminate the rental of a room at The Kenilworth Centre (tKC) as from the end of September and to replace the Foodbank centre here with a delivery service for every CV8 issued voucher. Very busy Foodbanks are still functioning in Leamington and Warwick, and more volunteers would be welcome there and in the warehouse.
Warwick District Foodbank's email address is and web site is: For more information, contact telephone number 07850 293383.
What is a foodbank?
Foodbanks are organisations which work with local churches and communities to provide emergency food and support to people in crisis. They are set up and operated on an entirely voluntary basis.
How is a foodbank organised?
A foodbank operates like this:-
Non-perishable food is donated by the public or supermarkets. Volunteers sort, date and store the food on our shelves, ready to put into bags when clients arrive at our centre.
Front line care professionals give foodbank vouchers to people in crisis. Foodbank vouchers are exchanged for at least three days of food. The amount given is based on the number of people in the family in crisis.
Foodbank staff take time to listen and direct clients to where they can access further support.