Kenilworth Methodist Church

Wider World 

World in Gods hand

The Wider World Group is a group of people with a passionate interest in making the world a better place through supporting various charities, both in the UK and overseas.  Its members organise fundraising events and collections of various kinds, and keep the congregation informed about the charities, usually focusing on a different one every month in the church newsletters.

Many of our members are involved directly in local charities and we make our building available to charities on request for reduced rates. 

Recently we have opened up our kitchen to a group of asylum seekers from the local hotel and encouraged them to cook a meal for their families and friends. Hospitality is an important element of life in the Middle East and Africa, and they are deprived of this while lodging at a hotel. Four cooks made a delicious meal, much appreciated by all, both asylum seekers and some members of KMC who helped to prepare the rooms and look after the children.