Kenilworth Methodist Church

Grounds for Hope

Below is the brief story in images of how some hidden ground at the front of church became our Grounds for Hope.

The grounds have been gradually evolving since June 2020 and we look forward to adding to this story!

Grounds for Hope is a space ...
  • to grow and feed others
  • to meet and greet neighbours
  • of remembrance
  • to tell the story of His coming

We like to greet our community with a friendly, thoughtful message.

 Grounds for Hope welcome bench

   Grounds for hope message board   

Take a look at a quick slideshow of the Grounds for Hope story so far.

Stage 1 - dismantling the hedge, exploring the undergrowth and finding out just how big the garden was!

 Grounds for Hope at the beginning

 clearing the Grounds for Hope

 Grounds for Hope taking shape


 Christmas 2023: We built a Stable!

Stable Church Garden

So how did we do it? Follow the story below...

Stable 2  We started with this...

Stable 3

  and went from this....

Stable 4

to this....

Stable 6

and this...

Stable 6

and finally, to this!