We are delighted to welcome children of all ages in our worship services and have a play area in the church available for babies and young children. Toddlers' play area in church > | |
| Separate activities are provided for primary-aged children for part of the service. |
| Single, married, young or old, we welcome you. On Sunday mornings, we sing, pray, read the Bible and hear what it means to be a Christian today. Then we chat over a cup of tea or coffee in the hall after the service. |
Over the next few weeks our worship will be led as follows:
Also at 5:30pm: Spirit and Sacrament led by Rev Dr Iain Ballard
Sunday 16 February 10:00am: led by Rev Dr Iain Ballard
Sunday 23 February 10:00am: led by Ms Sheila Brown
Sunday 2 March 10:00am: Communion, led by Rev Dr Ian Ballard
Sunday 9 March 10:00am: led by local arrangement
Also at 5:30pm: Spirit and Sacrament led by Rev Dr Iain Ballard
‘Spirit and Sacrament’ – a service of Praise and Worship with Holy Communion
We are expecting to run these services on the second Sunday of every month with the exception of December when we will have a special service see above
This is an opportunity to share in contemporary praise music, good news stories, open mic prayers, intercessions for places and people, a sermon, bible study, and communion, followed by refreshments.
Our Spirit and Sacrament services are evolving gradually month by month. These evening services are occasions when we can try new ways to worship and pray together. Some of us may feel able to speak and pray on the day, others might like to contribute to this service by writing a prayer or other contribution in advance. If you have something you would like to offer, please send it to: kmcstewards@gmail.com
We also meet during the week, for coffee mornings, discipleship groups and social activities.
Safeguarding is important to us.
If you have any concerns, please contact our safeguarding officer.
Our Safeguarding officer can be contacted by email: safeguarding@kenilworthmethodist.onmicrosoft.com
We are delighted to announce that our church was awarded the Bronze Eco Church Award in January 2022, in recognition of our efforts to care for God's earth. |
Kenilworth Methodist Church
Priory Road
Our team
Minister – Reverend Dr Iain Ballard - Tel: 07368 875790 (Day Off – Friday)
Church Office - Tel:- 01926 863252
See the Contact Us page for more information
There is space for around 30 cars in the Church car park, including 3 Disabled Parking spaces. There is also the option of using the Railway Station car park, about 100m from the Church entrance. The normal charges for using the station car park apply.
For a link to a daily prayer, please click below:
For a link to a daily bible reading please click below:
Kenilworth Methodist Church is a registered charity, No. 1140252 (T)