At it's simplest, prayer is a means of communicating with God.
- You can pray anytime and anywhere, God is always listening.
- but if you want to 'hear' a reply, find a quiet place and try to free your mind of distraction.
- Prayer can be silent or words spoken aloud.
- Prayers don't need fancy or stilted language, they don't need to be grammatically correct, they don't even need to consist of words.
- Here are some Biblical verses in support of the above:
- Jesus said When you pray, go into your room and shut the door.
Matt. 6:6 - God knows the secrets of our hearts and our inner most thoughts
Psalm 44:21, Hebrews 4:12 - We do not know ourselves how to pray, but the Spirit himself interceeds for us with sighs too deep for words.
Rom. 8:26
So why do we say our prayers aloud? The power of prayer is greatly enhanced when a group of people pray together, but if we don't speak the group will not know what is being prayed for. So it is not for God's benefit but our own.
Prayer for all occasions
The following prayer is offered by members of the congregation at Kenilworth Methodist Church.
Lord Jesus you are just the same to us now as when you walked in Galilee.
You spoke to the fishermen about the fish. You spoke to the shepherds about the sheep.
You spoke to the Sanhedrin about the scriptures. You spoke to the housewives about the lost coin.
You spoke to the children playing in the market place.
So speak to us.
Some need encouragement when they are without work or short of food or their business is in difficulties.
Some need patience when they are sick or in hospital.
Some need words of comfort after bereavement.
And accept our thanks.
We are grateful for the National Health and other Services that help us or look after us.
We are grateful for water, gas, electricity and fuel that make our lives so comfortable,
And especially, we are grateful for our Christian Faith.
In Jesus name, Amen