Kenilworth Methodist Church

Flower Ministry

Members of the church arrange flowers for the church festivals of Christmas, Mothering Sunday, Easter and Harvest and for funerals and weddings.

We have a rota that members of the congregation can sign up to, to put a vase of flowers on the communion table for Sunday services. The Flower list is on the notice board facing the door of the church office. This is a worthwhile contribution to make, which does not require flower arranging skills. After the services the flowers are taken to the elderly who are unable to attend church on a Sunday, or to members who are sick or celebrating an event, and they are very much appreciated by those who receive them.

If anyone is interested in joining our small group of flower arrangers they will be most welcome and do not need experience – just a love of flowers – and guidance can be given. Christine Brown or Diane Williams will be very happy to discuss this with you, if you would like to try flower arranging and learn a new skill!

Below are some of the flower displays that have been created.

 Communion table 2 vase

 Communion table Alstromeria

 Communion table vase

 Purple chysanths

 Sunday Morning 
Communion Table

 Yellow red tulips

 Communion table 3

 Easter 24 Communion table daffodils.jpg

 Diane flowers 5.jpg

 Easter 24 Flower Cross 2.jpg

           Easter 24 flowers platform area.jpg

Easter 24 flowers white stand.jpg


Easter 2024


 Easter 24 flower stand white drape.jpg

Easter 24 Communion table daffodils.jpg 

 Easter 24 Pulpit flowers.jpg

 Wedding flowers 5.jpg


Wedding flowers 2.jpg

 Wedding flowers 1 stand




 Wedding flowers 3.jpg stand


Wedding flowers 3.jpg


Diane flowers cropped 


Diane flowers 3.jpg 


Harvest Festival


 Harvest flowers

Diane flowers 4.jpg 

 Diane flowers 5.jpg

 Diane flowers 2.jpg

 Diane flowers 7.JPG


 Flower Celebrations


  Funeral purple flower pedestal.jpg


 Olympic flowers 5 circles on stand

 Advent Candles 2023

 Cmas 23 flowers 5

 Christmas Tree 2023

 Cmas 23 flowers 32nd

 Christmas 2023

 Cmas 23 flowers 4

 Cmas 23 flowers 2 2nd

 Cmas 23 flowers 6

 Cmas 23 flowers 2